Food & Beverage, Kuwait

How To Make The Best Cold Brew In Kuwait!

First of all, what is cold brew?

Cold brew is the process of brewing coffee over an extended period of time, usually more than 10 hours, in cold or room temperature water. The brewing process takes place in a special cold brew apparatus, having a filter that holds the ground up coffee surrounded by the water. This filter helps us easily separate the brewed coffee from the ground coffee. In cold brewing we use a medium roast beans, grinded to a coarse grind size, and use water with TDS level of 150 mg/l (with an acceptable range of 75 mg/l to 250 mg/l), but the closer you get it to 150 mg/l the smoother the taste of your final product.

Now lets get down to it!

The following is what u need to make the best cold brew in Kuwait!!

1) Pike Place (Medium Roast), go to Starbucks and ask them to have it grinded to a coarse size.
2) Water with a TDS level 150 mg/l, I personally use Abraaj or Al Ain Water. (Please don’t use tap water!)
3) Cold Brew apparatus (Takeya), go ahead and purchase this from amazon. Ship it directly to your home through PostShipper, if you do not have an account read this step-by-step article to set up your free account.

1) Coarse ground Pike Place coffee, 140 grams or a little over two cups.

2) Water (TDS of 150 mg/l), 1.6 liters.

3) Leave in the fridge for 14 hours.


First of all, add the coarse ground coffee in the filter holder as seen in the picture below.

Then close the filter holder, as seen below.

Add water in the jug, then insert the filter holder in the jug and seal.

Put then put it in the fridge and wait for 14 hours.

After which remove the ground coffee from the filter (save and use the ground coffee in your home garden as it contains an excellent amount of Nitrogen) and reseal the jug. This coffee should be left in the fridge, with a shelf life of up to two weeks.

Now Enjoy The Best Cold Brew In Kuwait!!