Activities, Kuwait

How to Renew Civil ID Online!

First, you need to change your Civil ID photo so go to your local photographer with a USB and take your Civil ID photo (with the blue background), have it in JPG form on your USB. Then transfer it to your desktop.

Then take a scanned copy of your current Civil ID (front and back) or Passport and have it ready on your desktop in JPG form. Make sure this is in one file as you can only upload one file.

Then Click on the following link and follow the steps below.

Click on ( تحديث صورة فرد كويتي), as seen below.

Then add your Civil ID number, serial code (this could be found on the back of your current Civil ID), and your mobile phone number, as seen below.

Then add the OTP that has been sent to your mobile number via sms, as seen below.

Afterward upload your photo and the scanned Civil ID or Passport, as seen below.

Then you will get a confirmation, as seen below.

Then click on the following link to request the renewal.

Click on (تجديد البطاقة), as seen below.

Then type in your Civil ID.

Then click on pay (دفع) and pay the processing fees.

Then you will get a confirmation, as seen below.

It will take about 2 business days to have your card ready. After two days have past click on this link to inquire about its status. Once its ready they will tell you which machine the new ID is in and all you must do is go to PACI headquarter in South Surrah and insert the old Civil ID in the machine assigned to you and you will receive your new Civil ID.