Gardening, Kuwait

Best Cacti Potting Soil

Cacti and most desert plants need a type of potting mix that drains very quickly, this is to mimic the plants natural habitat. Furthermore, they need to be watered once the soil in COMPLETELY DRY which is about once a month. Make sure that you don’t over water the plant.

Ingredients: –

3 Parts Potting Soil

3 Parts Coarse Sand or crushed granite or aquarium rock, DON’T USE FINE SAND

2 Parts Perlite

1 bucket

How to Mix Homemade Cactus Soil?

Step 1: Gather all of your ingredients.

Step 2: Use a cup to measure 3 parts of potting soil (i.e. 3 cups of potting soil), add the 3 cups potting soil into the bucket.

Step 3: add 3 parts (3 cups) of Coarse Sand or crushed granite or aquarium rock into the bucket.

Step 4: mix all the ingredients in the bucket thoroughly

Step 5: add 2 parts (2 cups) of perlite.


I usually make a big batch and store it to be used whenever needed.